Computed tomography (CT)

Computed tomography is an extremely accurate and non-painful method of imaging investigation, which uses X radiation in order to obtain high-resolution images of the internal organs.​

By recombining the images captured with the help of a performant software, it is possible to reconstruct three-dimensionally different organs, the vascular system or the joints, the spinal cord, which allows for a full anatomical and functional analysis.

The quantity of X radiation issued by the device is optimised in order to obtained the best possible information with minimum exposure to radiations for the patient.

For certain types of CT examination it is required to prepare the patient before the procedure, by administering orally and/or by intravenous injection a contrast agent in the second part of the examination, for a correct and complete diagnosis of the issues under investigation.

Typically, a CT investigation lasts 15-20 minutes. CT examination is restricted for women during the first trimester of pregnancy, with the exception of cases in which the mother’s life depends on the CT examination (for example, in case of a ruptured cerebral aneurysm).

Computed Tomography Neolife Medical Team